Mitered Outside Corner Installation

Updated on April 11, 2024

Step 1

In some situations the installer may prefer to do a miter cut at the corner rather than use the outside corner accessory pieces. This application is most common when the corner is not 90°. Mitering can be used for any corner applications.

Step 2

In exterior applications the corner must first be made water-tight by installing a moisture barrier prior to installing the NextStone™ panels.

Step 3

Both sides of the corner should be cut from the same panel or another panel of the same configuration (the number on the back is the same). This way, the individual “rocks” will wrap around the corner. (You will have to lay out the first course so that the last panel used to form the corner is at least 8″ too long.) Cut the panel at the appropriate angle (one half of the angle of the corner) and install as previously explained.

Next, cut the drop at the same angle and install the other side of the corner making as tight of a joint as possible. For example, if installing NextStone™ on a 7′ wide wall with a 90° corner, the second panel would make the corner. Cut the panel on a 45° miter so that it was 3′ measured on the short side and install. Then cut the drop-off piece (1′) at 45° and install it on the other side of the corner. Stagger each course so that the corner cut does not fall at the same place on the panel used to make the corner. Secure joint using Polyurethane Adhesive.

Step 4

Run a bead of NextStone™ Grout along the joint where the panels butt together. Concealed with touch-up paint.

Step 5

There is variation in thickness within each individual “rock”, therefore, there will be small areas of exposed polyurethane where the panels were cut which must be rasped down and coated with touch-up paint.

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